Friday, April 02, 2010

DC cherry blossoms

 April 1st, 2010

Today was an absolutely picture perfect day in DC. It was sunny with temps in the mid 70's. The peak bloom date for the cherry blossoms had been moved up to today, so I was so excited to finally see them. Even though the city is studded with cherry blossom trees lining avenues and roads, the PLACE to really see the was the Tidal Basin. We took the metro green line at the U St station to Les Enfant and then the orange line to the Smithsonian station. It was a good mile and a half to the Tidal Basin but oh, so worth it. We had initially thought we would take a 90 min river cruise along the Potomac which would have given us a great view of the cherry blossoms as well as the monuments, but I think half the fun is to walk along and amidst the trees and see them and touch the petals and smell them. After that we stepped into the Jefferson Memorial for a few minutes.

Click here for a slideshow

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